Following is an index to the CGI scripts. There are links to the readme.txt
file for each script, the perl text of each script (Note: these
will not be viewable in your browser unless it is configured to show .pl
files as plain text) and any sample HTML files.
All of these scripts are written by Matt Wright of
Script Archive and are used with his permission. Examples and
further descriptions of these scripts are available at his site.
- Countdown allows you to implement a simple countdown to a
specific date in your web pages. You can have the countdown accurate to
the second, minute, hour, day, month or year.
readme.txt | |
countdwn.htm ]
- Counter allows you to represent the number of visitors to
your page (or more accurately, the number of people to load the counter
image) through a graphical depiction.
readme.txt | |
sample numbers ]
Form mail
- FormMail is a generic WWW form to e-mail gateway, which will
parse the results of any form and send them to the specified user. This
script has many formatting and operational options, most of which can be
specified through the form, meaning you don't need any programming
knowledge or multiple scripts for multiple forms. This also makes
FormMail the perfect system-wide solution for allowing users form-based
user feedback capabilities without the risks of allowing freedom of CGI
[ readme.txt
| |
formmail.htm ]
- Guestbook allows you to set up your own comments page. From
there, visitors can add entries to your guestbook and they will be
displayed with the most recent at the top and scrolling down or vice
versa. Other options include the ability to limit HTML in the entry,
link to e-mail address with mailto tag, use a log to log entries,
redirect to a different page after signing, e-mailing whenever a new
entry is added and much more.
readme.txt | |
guestbk.htm ]
Free For All Link Page
- Free For All Link Page allows you to set up a web page which
your users can then add links to in specified categories. Newest links
are added to the top of each category. A running total of the number of
links present as well as the time when the last link was added is shown
at the top of the page.
[ readme.txt |
| links.htm ]
Random Image Displayer
- Random Image Displayer allows you to set up a list of images
and then randomly display them as inlined images or background images.
Called from a normal image tag, no Server Side Includes are necessary.
readme.txt | ]
Random Image Displayer (SSI)
- Server Side Include Random Image Displayer is a slightly
extended version of the original, and more simple Random Image
Displayer. The original simply allowed for a random image to be
displayed on the screen each time the page was accessed or reloaded,
without the necessity of a Server Side Include. The Server Side Includes
version of this same script allows you to have a random image appear
together with its corresponding random link, as well as a few more
configurable options than the Basic Random Image Displayer.
readme.txt | ]
Random Link Generator
- Random Link Generator allows you to set up a page which has a
link on it, or establish a link on an existing page, which, when clicked
on, the user is taken to a random url pulled out of a list of urls that
you specify.
[ readme.txt
| |
rand_lnk.htm ]
Random Text
- Random Text is a program which takes a plain text file, which
contains a series of phrases, quotes, lines of text, html tags, etc...
and a delimiter (the character(s) which separate each entry) and will
randomly choose one of the phrases and display it on your web page.
[ readme.txt
| ]
Simple Search
- Simple Search allows you to integrate a keyword and boolean
search program into your site so that users can search specified text
and HTML documents. It then returns a list of filenames (displayed based
on their title tag found in the HTML page) which matched the specified
[ readme.txt
| |
search.htm ]
Text Clock
- Text Clock is a Perl CGI script which is meant to be run from
Server Side Includes. When this script is implemented, it can be used to
show browsers several variations of the current time and/or date.
readme.txt | |
txtclock.htm ]
Text Counter
- Text Counter is a simple program which allows you to include
a text counter on any page. You can also include the date since it began
counting. Multiple counters can be set up, with the need for only one
script to manage them all.
readme.txt | ]
- WWWBoard is a threaded World Wide Web discussion forum and
message board, which allows users to post new messages, followup to
existing ones and more.
[ readme.txt | ]